Feasibility Study for the local Caustic Soda Manufacturing for GIZ

GP Business Consulting embarked on a journey into Ghana’s salt industry as we uncovered exciting possibilities in our latest feasibility study commissioned by ‘Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit’ (GIZ). The report delves into the potential for local Caustic Soda Manufacturing, revealing the eagerness of salt producers to venture into this innovative realm.

Surveying 27 salt producers along Ghana’s coastline, we found that 14 are actively in production, expressing a keen interest in expanding into caustic soda production. Despite some regulatory gaps, this signals a significant opportunity for growth and economic advancement in the region.

Our recommendations centre on boosting technical capacity, streamlining regulations, and investing in infrastructure. By aligning operations with peak production periods, clarifying stakeholder interests, and ensuring skilled labour and a reliable energy supply, Ghana can position itself as a key player in the global Caustic Soda market, contributing to both local development and international industry innovation.